ketogenic Diet: The Ultimate Guide to Lose Weight and Feel Good with Ketogenic Diet by Helen Mercola

(388) The Ultimate Guide to Lose Weight and Feel Good with Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet: the ultimate guide to lose weight and feel good with ketogenic diet



Step By Step Guide To Intermittent Fasting On The Ketogenic Diet, you will be getting loads and loads of value on how exactly Intermittent Fasting works WITH The Keto Diet to power your Body’s metabolic state into burning away those pesky muffin tops and love handles!

If you want to try a ketogenic diet but are busy, stressed, and unsure about how to adjust your diet to make your body burn fat, this book is for you. Not only are the recipes fast and simple to prepare, but they're also specifically designed to support your body in ketosis so you can heal. 

The Ketogenic Diet cookbook contains numerous helpful resources to jumpstart your keto diet. You’ll find an in-depth explanation of a ketogenic lifestyle, as well as meal planning guides, grocery lists, weight loss principles, food lists, and more. The book does contain several recipes, including nutritional breakdowns, but it is definitely not as recipe-heavy as some of the other cookbooks.



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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5044

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Sample text:

Before you can understand what the ketogenic diet is, you need to understand a little bit about how the body works. When our bodies need energy they will normally burn carbohydrates, turning them into glucose. This glucose is transported throughout the body and used as an energy source. 

However, in a ketogenic diet, the liver will convert fat into ketone bodies. A ketone body (acetone, acetoacetate, and beta-hydroxybutyrate) is a toxic acidic chemical that is produced when there is not enough insulin in the blood causing the body to break down stored fat instead of sugar to produce the energy needed. 

When the ketone bodies level in the blood is elevated the state is known as ketosis. This type of diet is used a lot to reduce the frequency of seizures in those who suffer with epilepsy. Another great benefit of this diet is that it can be used to reduce overall inflammation. 

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