Ketogenic Diet: The Step by Step Guide to Beginners for Ketogenic Diet by Will Westwood

(20) The Step by Step Guide to Beginners for Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet: the step by step guide to beginners for ketogenic diet


This book goes into what the Ketogenic Diet is all about, the short term and long term effects of being on a Ketogenic Diet, the pros and cons of the diet, side effects, as well as a step-by-step strategy that will help you get started. It is essential before undergoing any type of diet that you learn as much information as possible so that you can have an easy and safe experience.

No longer starve yourself when dieting. The wonderful thing about eating a ketogenic diet is you never having that hungry feeling that comes with most other traditional diets. No longer equate dieting with suffering! 

Trying to be healthy is hard and sometimes confusing. For years we were told that fats were bad for us and we had to cut them out of our diets. Yet we became more obese than any other time in history! But over time science and our understanding of nutrition has improved. We now know that many fats are actually healthy for us.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 4434

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Sample text:

A Ketogenic diet is undoubtedly one of the most well-known yet misunderstood diet out there in the open field of hundreds of different diets right now. So let’s start off by defining the diet itself!

In the most Laymen’s of terms, a Ketogenic Diet is a form of diet that restricts your body from ingesting a large amount of carbohydrate, thereby inducing it into a state of “Ketosis”.

During Ketosis, the body tends to breakdown a large amount of fat to produce energy for the body, which eventually helps to get to rid of the excess body fat and keep the body lean and healthy.

This is done thanks to the increased production of a chemical called “Ketones” that is generated in large amount in our liver whenever the body enters Ketosis.

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