Ketogenic diet: The Step by Step Guide and Ketogenic Recipes to Help You Get Healthy by Cristian Hartwig

(129b) The Step by Step Guide and Ketogenic Recipes to Help You Get Healthy

Ketogenic diet: the step by step guide and ketogenic recipes to help you get healthy


This book has been expertly crafted to bring you the finest ketogenic diet book available. From start to finish you'll be in the best hands as I show you the most effective way to lose weight and completely revolutionize your entire life!

This book will give readers a whole understanding of Ketogenic Diet and how to do meal prep for your Keto journey. This book was written based on Travis Zehren’s real experience, who has been in Keto Diet for 7 years and has got too many benefits from it. Inside this book, the author has provided readers many easy and mouthwatering low carb keto diet recipes, which all are well-chosen and eaten by author. I think you will like all of them if you want to have a healthy and happy life!

The Ketogenic diet is a particular dieting method first developed to help improve epilepsy and reduce the frequency of seizures. However this diet also has a range of other benefits including weight loss!
This diet is used by a wide range of people from celebrities, to epilepsy sufferers, to bodybuilders!

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 7141

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Sample text:

Metabolic Syndrome: This is a collection of syndromes grouped together which enhances the risk of heart disease and diabetes. These include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low HDL cholesterol, abdominal obesity, and high levels of triglycerides.


Lower Blood Pressure: The ketogenic low-carb diet is an excellent way to lower your blood pressure. It is advisable to speak with your physician about reducing your meds while on the plan. If you begin to feel dizzy; that is one of the first signs the lack of carbs is working. You are headed in the right direction.


Pre-diabetes and Diabetes: Excess fat may be effectively removed with the keto plan which is what is linked to pre-diabetes, type-2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. One of the first studies was performed in 2005 at Duke University, North Carolina. 


The study researched 28 overweight participants who had type 2 diabetes. The trial was performed for 16 weeks. During the study, the patients consumed less than 20 grams of carbs daily – while at the same time lowering the diabetic medications. Overall, the final results revealed the patients could reduce or discontinue the medications. For the most beneficial outcomes, it is important to seek a doctor’s advice for these options.

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