Ketogenic Diet: The Ketogenic Meal Plan for Rapid Weight Loss by Harman Baker

(387) The Ketogenic Meal Plan for Rapid Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: the ketogenic  meal plan for rapid weight loss


If you are one of the folks who have heard of or are already trying out the keto diet but are struggling to cope with having to spend 1 or more hours preparing ketogenic meals, then you simply have got to read on!

In this book, I have respected the guidelines of the ketogenic diet. These guidelines include foods, which are low in carbohydrates, low in sodium, and use minimum sweetening agents. Healthier eating will, therefore, lead to weight loss.

As you know, it takes an average of days to start a new habit so these meal plans will make it much easier for you.The third chapter is dedicated to the frequently asked questions about the Ketogenic Diet which are of course followed by their answers – again in simple, layman’s terms. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 6777

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Sample text:

There are several low carbs, ketogenic diet plans to opt for. The Atkins diet has been the most popular of all. All these diets involve following higher fat, low carb, moderate protein food plan.

The primary difference between any regular low carb plan to a ketogenic one is the amount of protein and carbohydrate allowed on a regular basis:

A ketogenic diet plan insists and needs tracking carb amounts in foods consumed daily and restricting the carbohydrate consumption from 20-60 grams on a daily basis. The protein requirements regularly are generally moderate, depending upon the height, the gender, and exercise performed by an individual. The balance of the calories comes from fats. The ratios make sure that most individuals go into ketosis and stay in that state, and that is the primary objective of a ketogenic diet.

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Already translated. Translated by Carlos Morales

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