Ketogenic diet: The Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Losing the Weight by JoAnna Baum

(98b) The Complete Step-By-Step Guide to Losing the Weight

Ketogenic diet:  the complete step-by-step guide to losing the weight


The answers are all in this book! Meal planning is often a difficult task, especially when you have to stick with recommended ingredients and servings. This book makes meal planning easier while providing a large number of recipes that you can follow or even customize to suit your taste!

The ketogenic diet is fast becoming an effective diet program that everyone is gradually learning about. Getting rid of fats stored in the body is one of the many benefits that you can get one’s you commit yourself to going keto. In less than 2 months of continuous ketosis, you can burn layers and layers of fat. 

This is because these diets not only ask you to go low carb, but also low fat. When you cut down on both the energy sources of your body, your body goes into survival mode and starts storing fats in an attempt to conserve energy, anticipating a further starving period. This ends up making you gain weight and makes you lethargic and lazy – all the things that you don’t want to happen to you!

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 6488

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Sample text:

The ketogenic diet is often compared to other diets like the Atkins diet and the Paleo diet. While both the Atkins and Paleo diet’s focus on cutting carbs down, there is a significant difference in how each plan uses this reduction in carbohydrates. The ketogenic diet relies on very low levels of carbohydrates to put the body into a state of ketosis throughout the entire diet. This enables your body to continue to rely on fat burning rather than carbohydrate (glucose) burning for energy. The Atkins diet relies upon a lack of carbohydrates in the first phase of dieting, but then reintroduces carbs gradually at lower rates. The paleo diet, however, can or cannot be ketogenic in nature because it does allow for the consumption of starches. Additionally the paleo diet does not necessary have to include higher levels of fats like the Atkin’s and Keto diets do.  

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