Ketogenic diet: The Complete Guide for Beginners with Easy-To-Follow by Adele Colon

(78b) The Complete Guide for Beginners with Easy-To-Follow

Ketogenic diet: the complete guide for beginners with easy-to-follow


Staying happy in the keto diet means being able to eat delicious breads using coconut or almond flours that still taste like bread, and this cookbook will teach you how to do it.

You consume refined sugar which causes your insulin (storage hormone) to spike. Insulin stores any fat that you have in the cells closest to the liver and pancreas. As you spike your insulin more and more the next closest cells with room to store sugar and fat are then filled up. 

While there are many versions of low carb diets including Atkins, Dukan, Paleo and South Beach to name just a few, they have their good points and bad points. Some of them are easy to follow and some take some learning and adjusting. The Ketogenic Diet is no different. This book will help you understand the core principles and give you an excellent range of tasty, nutrient-rich foods you can eat and foods you need to avoid.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 13984

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Sample text:

Weight loss – This is the most obvious result or benefit from going on a ketogenic diet. However, weight loss does not occur right away; it takes anywhere from three days to a week for the body to enter ketosis. Once the body is in ketosis, only then can efficient fat burning take place.

Appetite suppression – When your diet isn’t as carbohydrate heavy, you will start realizing that you feel satiated a lot longer. Also, with simple carbohydrates out of the way, you won’t have sugar cravings, too. Many people have even found that they could also do intermittent fasting together with keto. This is because their stomachs don't rumble as much telling them that they should eat.

Better focus (mentally) – When carbohydrates are the main source of energy, the blood sugar levels usually rise and fall, and this is because the source is not as constant. The brain then finds it hard to stay focused all the time due to the rise and fall of the fuel source. When the body is under ketosis, the brain has a steadier source of energy.

Increased energy – The body has a limited storage space for glycogen (which gets turned into glucose), which means that it has to be refilled constantly. If not, energy levels go down. The body already has a lot of fat stores, and it can still continue storing more fat, so that makes ketones a more constant source of energy than glucose.

Fights Type 2 Diabetes – In Type 2 Diabetes, a person suffers from an overproduction of insulin. But in the keto diet, since sugar is eliminated as much as possible from the diet, insulin is not produced in extreme amounts, thus potentially reversing the condition.

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