Ketogenic diet: Step by Step Guide to Lose Weight by Elena Jones

(152b) Step by Step Guide to Lose Weight

Ketogenic diet: step by step guide to lose weight


This book is not about all of that: this is book is about you. How can you be the “healthy you” that you want to be? How can you achieve health goals beyond what you would have thought possible? 

The ketogenic diet is all about severely reducing carbohydrate intake in favour of eating higher fat and moderate protein. This changes the energy pathways that your body uses, leading to the higher mobilisation of body fat as fuel. This makes you lose fat, and you lose it fast.

These menu items are specifically targeted for the ketogenic diet. I take into account carb counts, protein counts, and fat content of each item that we list. I teach you what to order, what not to order, and easy to follow tips to eating fast food on the ketogenic diet. 


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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5975

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Sample text:

The Ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that was utilized before to treat epilepsy in children who did not recuperate well to the accessible epilepsy medicines around then.

This diet style upholds the body to utilize and consume fats as the fundamental wellspring of energy over than utilizing carbohydrates. The body changes the taken carbohydrates in our nourishment into glucose which later is sent all through the body to be used as energy. Shockingly, if your carbohydrates intake is higher than your body needs for the amount of energy you use during a day, the overabundance glucose is changed over fats and stored rather than being burned causing weight gain.

Be that as it may, in the event that you confine the measure of carbohydrates ingested, the liver will start changing over fat into unsaturated fats and ketone bodies. When ketones in the blood dwarf the molecules of glucose, the cells of your body will begin to utilize those ketones as their fundamental wellspring of energy.

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