Ketogenic Diet: Quick Beginners Guide to Weight Loss Cleanse and Delicious Ketogenic Diet by Ramos Ashley

(12) Quick Beginners Guide to Weight Loss Cleanse and Delicious Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet: quick beginners guide to weight loss cleanse and delicious ketogenic diet


Keto diet is a completely new lifestyle that can help you lose weight, reduce inflammation and keep you in complete health. However, as more people are adopting the keto lifestyle, there's a lot of really bad information or misinformation out there.

Trying to lose weight is a grueling journey but there is an answer that allows vegetarians to effectively shed those stubborn pounds. And the answer is this meal preparation guide!

This book is about the ketogenic diet that is based on a normal metabolic process called ketosis. Ketosis happens when your body does not have enough glucose for energy and burns stubborn fats instead. 

Let this book serve as your ultimate guide on how to prepare healthy ketogenic-friendly meals to push your body into the state of ketosis. With this book, you will have everything that you need not only in preparing meals but in also understanding the principles behind the ketogenic diet.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.




Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 18068

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Sample text:

The sudden shifts in the availability of food, from its scarcity during the time of the cavemen to its abundance after the improvements in agriculture and technology, have not given evolution enough time to prepare humans for prolonged and sustained abundance. The programming of our bodies is still centered upon a survival mechanism based on food scarcity. If we were to be likened to machines, it would be like having advanced hardware with an outdated operating system.


The homeostatic operation of our bodies is directed towards saving and storing energy in the hopes of ensuring survival under low-food conditions. This mode of operation, coupled with the instinct to gorge on food whenever available, against easy access to abundant food, has led the present generation towards the perilous path of obesity.


Experts agree that, while excess weight brought about by the storage of energy in the form of fat ensures a person’s survival against famine, having tremendous amounts of fat cells for a prolonged period of time has the following negative effects:

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