ketogenic Diet: Quick and Delicious Keto Diet Recipes for Healthy Life by Jennifer Sanders

(67b) Quick and Delicious Keto Diet Recipes for Healthy Life

Ketogenic diet: quick and delicious keto diet recipes for healthy life


The “Keto Diet” as it implies, is the low carb diet that turns your body into a fat burning machine. It has a lot of benefits for weight loss, your health and your overall wellbeing. In this E-book, you will learn what this diet is, how to eat a keto diet and more. You will also see keto diet recipes, meal plans and what to eat when on a keto diet. 

Bread is a part of just about every meal, and for most of us eating just wouldn’t be quite the same without it. Even if you really like meat, somehow the idea of eating a pile of plain hamburgers without a hamburger bun anywhere to be seen, just isn’t appealing. But if you play your ketogenic cards right, and use the right ingredients, you can come up with some surprisingly tasty alternatives to the bread favorites that we know and love. 

More often than not, once you end the health improvement plan you return to your old habits and wind up putting on all the weight you had lost, and then some. Circumstances like these may make it appear like the idea of shedding pounds through shrewd dietary patterns is not by any means conceivable. However, consider the possibility that you might be off-base.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5388

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Ketogenic diet has been gathering quite a lot of limelight due to the special qualities it has and the functions it performs. It is quite successful and popular with some physical conditions. It is a diet regimen that is rich is fats, has enough proteins, and low carbohydrate content. This diet has been found effective in dealing with epilepsy in children mainly. It is used and prescribed by doctors in epileptic conditions that are difficult to control (refractory) by nature. Its main focus is to burn fats and not carbohydrates in day to day functioning.

How does this help? Normally, the carbohydrate that we consume gets converted to glucose and fuels all the bodily and brain functions. However, if the carbohydrate level in the body is low, then the liver converts fats into fatty acids  and ketone bodies, and this gets circulated all through the body  including brain to fuel and make it function. Ketone bodies then pass through the brain and provide the necessary energy to function even without glucose. When the level of ketone bodies rise in the body, the stage is known as ‘ketosis’, which reduces the frequency of epileptic seizures in patients.

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Already translated. Translated by Rocio Garcia

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