Ketogenic diet: Ketogenic Diet 35 Delicious Ketogenic Dessert Recipes by Gorsky Richards

(88b) Ketogenic Diet 35 Delicious Ketogenic Dessert Recipes

Ketogenic diet: ketogenic diet 35 delicious ketogenic dessert recipes


You may have already heard about this diet as it is one of the trendiest ones that are used in the world right now. In this book, you'll learn all about the keto diet. If you're suffering from a chronic medical condition such as diabetes, this diet is perfect for you. Also, if you're obese, overweight, or you just want to shed a few pounds to make yourself feel better, this diet is ideal for you. Even if you're just looking for a new diet that will ensure your long-term health, the keto diet fits the bill

People are aware of keto diеt but whаt does it еntаil, hоw dо уоu ѕtаrt as a beginner, whаt are thе thingѕ tо dо, what аrе the foods tо avoid аnd whаt dо you hаvе to eat.  This bооk соntаinѕ Stер bу step instruction оn hоw to imрlеmеnt the kеtо diеt. What to lооk out fоr whеn уоu gо оn thе kеtо diet аnd Whу thе сусliсаl kеtо diеt iѕ better fоr уоu in thе lоng-run.

It also outlines the significant benefits that you get when you go on a dry fast. It highlights how dry fasting can help you make considerable changes – lose weight, strengthen immunity, think with clarity, prevent serious health conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and heart failure, among others, feel energized, and stay, look, and feel young, if you make dry fasting a regular part of your lifestyle.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 6330

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Sample text:

Restrict carb intake- Instead of focusing just on your daily net carb intake, you must focus both on your net and total carb (these include both the carb and fiber portion of food items consumed by you) intake per day when on a keto diet. Ideally, your daily net carb consumption must remain below 20 grams, while your daily total carb intake should be below 35 grams.

Restrict protein consumption- It’s true that protein plays a vital role in helping the human body to attain ketosis. However, too much consumption of this macro nutrient might result in a lower level of ketosis, which makes restricting protein essential for individuals on a ketogenic diet. This is one factor that separates keto diets from Atkins diet, which limits carb intake but doesn’t limit consumption of protein. People looking to lose weight with a keto diet should consume 0.6 to 0.8 grams of protein per day for each pound of their lean body weight.

Stop munching unhealthy snacks- Unhealthy snacking (fried foods, sweets, and carb of any sorts) leads to insulin spikes and thereby impairs the weight loss procedure. So, if you want to see the keto diet help you lose weight rapidly, you must avoid snacking.

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