Ketogenic diet: Keto Meal Prep Guide and Recipes for Weight Loss and Total Health by Rubén Ketting

(120b) Keto Meal Prep Guide and Recipes for Weight Loss and Total Health

Ketogenic diet: keto meal prep guide and recipes for weight loss and total health


The researchers discovered that fasting and avoiding consuming all foods for a short period of time, especially those foods that are known rich in carbohydrates helped to reduce the amount of seizure attacks in epileptic patients. It also had a good effect on the body fat, blood glucose, hunger levels and cholesterol. Ketogenic diet is rich in fat, low in carbs, protein-enriched diet which enables the body to burn fats instead of carbohydrates.


Have You Ever Looked in the Mirror and Wondered If You Could Ever Lose Those Fats and Get Yourself an Awesome Physique? How About Being Free of Conditions Like High Blood Pressure and Less Than Ideal Cholesterol Levels to Enjoy a Wholesome, Healthy and Active Life?

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 17473

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Sample text:

Over moderate heat in a large stock pot; heat the oil until hot and then sauté the onions until transparent, for a couple of minutes.
Add in the chopped cucumbers with coconut milk & salt; give everything a good stir. Cover & cook until the cucumber is tender, for 8 to 10 minutes.
Work in batches and carefully transfer the cucumber & milk to a blender; blend until very smooth, on high.
Add the avocado flesh, chives, white wine and cream to the last batch. Blend on high until very smooth & completely incorporated.
Pour the entire batches of soup into the stock pot again; stir well. Gently re-warm, if required.
Garnish with fresh chopped scallions or green onions & cream. Serve immediately and enjoy.

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