ketogenic diet: How to Start Your Keto Diet and Lose Weight by Sara Bascor

(63b) How to Start Your Keto Diet and Lose Weight

Ketogenic diet: how to start your keto diet and lose weight


Are you sick and tired of not fitting into the clothes you want to wear? Sick and tired of counting calories, working out endless hours, and beating your head into a wall with little to show for it? Have you tried countless solution, but found they only work for a few weeks? Do you finally want to say goodbye to those extra pounds and discover something that will work for you permanently.

The keto diet is a life-changing diet that lets people diet without needing to starve. It allows you to lose weight and stay full at the same time.

The keto desserts in this guide are tasty treats that are still healthy for you. Each recipe is easy to prepare and will satisfy your sweet tooth.In today’s world where one’s figure is the first thing that represents him or her, one should take care extra care of it not only because of the impression that it leaves on others but also because of the sake of having healthy and quality wise excellent life.


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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 3474

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Sample text:

The Ketogenic Diet is the key predecessor to many of its clinical and non-clinical counterparts, such as the Atkins’s diet and its popular mainstream cousins like the Paleo diet and the South Beach Diet. The resurgence of the ketogenic diet can be attributed to its weight loss benefits by allowing dieters to follow several strict low-carb, moderate protein, and high-fat dietary requirements. Such requirements over time allows the liver to release ketones which then allows the body to arrive at a state of ketosis.


Before continuing upon the proceeding chapters, it is important to understand that there are three types of ketogenic diets: the Standard Ketogenic Diet, the Targeted Ketogenic Diet, and the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet. All three methods of ketogenic dieting are very similar in that they all allow the body to focus on burning fat instead of carbohydrates for use as energy. And each ketogenic dieting method is quite different in regards to both its carbohydrate consumption, life style requirement, and timing.


In this book I will explain in detail the Standard Ketogenic diet unless otherwise noted in Chapter 2: "Ketogenic Dieting on Professional Athletes". Nevertheless, the information provided in the following chapters will help you through this amazing journey you are discovering regardless of the ketogenic diet you are studying and practicing.

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