Ketogenic Diet: Easy and Complete Weight Loss Guide to Ketogenic Diet Recipes by Doris Othan

(362) Easy and Complete Weight Loss Guide to Ketogenic Diet Recipes

Ketogenic diet: easy and complete weight loss guide to ketogenic diet recipes


A ketogenic diet can be the starting point of a healthy and very beneficial journey into dieting. It can provide a large number of benefits including

In this guide, a complete self-confidence step system to aide in our success to health, it will include a meal plan that includes meal preparation, diet and planning to help to stay on track. This book will help to the aide for meal preparation to stay on track with the Ketogenic diet for Ketosis.

You are being asked to try something new and different with the Ketogenic diet that maybe you have not tried before. Perhaps, you have tried a little calorie counting, or even read a few of the food labels on what you bought at the store - but without any success. 
Dieting - whether it is with the new Ketogenic concept or something that has been around for decades - requires a commitment from you for it to work, as well as an understanding of your body.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 9659

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Sample text:

One important question that arises though, is the extent to which ketosis may affect the body. Does it have any side effects or disadvantages? Well, the answer is not quite. This is of course if the dieter is not a diabetes type II patient. Ketosis is a state that people of all walks of life can engage in safely and not only achieve, but also sustain for a prolonged period of time. Once the body is properly adapted to the state of Ketosis, everything works normal. However, this generally takes up to three days once the diet is initiated. The problem that arises though is when the eater has type II diabetes. In this case the person will go into a state of ketoacidosis, which is fatal and brings an avalanche of complications.


During this state of ketoacidosis, the ketones are very high, unusually high compared to those produced under normal circumstances. This condition is fatal because the purpose of insulin in the body is not only limited to control of sugar in the blood, but also other vital functions such as Ketone control. If there are too many ketones in the blood, then the insulin induces their excretion via urine in the kidneys. An insurgence of too many Ketones in the diet leads to total osmo-regulatory failure which can cause death in extreme circumstances. However, you should not panic if you have type II diabetes.

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