Ketogenic diet: Delicious & Easy Recipes with 21 Days Weight Loss by Sally Landers

(117b) Delicious & Easy Recipes with 21 Days Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet:  delicious & easy recipes with 21 days weight loss


So whether you’re a bodybuilder on a cut, trying to lose a few extra pounds before summer or just want a way to eat healthy which doesn’t involve slaving away in the kitchen after work…then we’ve got you covered.

This process is called ketosis, which will be discussed in detail in this book, but here’s the short version of it: when you lower the intake of carbohydrates, the body will have less glucose to use for energy and will therefore be prompted to burn fats instead. This is how ketosis works, and this is the key to losing weight the Keto way!

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 10231

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Sample text:

They are as important as carbohydrates and fats are for your health. Known as building blocks (build muscle tissue) and comprising of amino acids (essential nutrients), proteins are also useful as a source of fuel energy. Since you are keen to lose excess weight, you would do well to consume more of proteins rather than carbohydrates. This is because they not only satisfy your hunger for a longer time but also permit greater burning of calories.

Go fishing yourself, or purchase freshly-caught fish from the market. Fish like halibut, tuna, catfish, mahi-mahi, cod, trout, salmon, flounder, snapper, and mackerel are marvelous sources of protein. Avoid farmed fish.

If you are fond of shellfish, choose between squid, crab, clams, mussels, oysters, scallops and lobster.

Organic or free range (allowed to roam free in fenced yards) choice of poultry includes pheasant, duck, chicken, and quail. 

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