ketogenic diet: An Effective and Simple Guide for Starting the Ketogenic Diet by Jason Danvers

(50b) An Effective and Simple Guide for Starting the Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet: an effective and simple guide for starting the ketogenic diet


This will then serve as the body’s energy source and fuel, especially for the brain. With low-carb intake, your liver works on the fat and converts it into fatty acids and ketone bodies. The latter is distributed to the brain to act as the energy source, serving as a substitute to the glucose. 
When the levels of the ketone bodies in your blood get boosted, your system will enter a state that is referred to as ketosis.

 The main advantage of keto-diet can be called fast and effective loss of excess weight. Fat disappears and the number on the scales decreases, while the body does not lose muscle.

The Keto Meal Prep cookbook is perfect for beginners, because every recipe as an image to help you for your final result. 
The keto diet, also known as the low carb diet is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to lose weight.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 2417

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Sample text:

The Ketogenic diet is popularly referred to as the Keto diet. It is a high fat and low carbohydrate diet. This means that this diet prescribes high intake of fatty foods and a low intake of foods rich in carbohydrates. The ketones that are produced by the liver is made use of as the primary source of energy, and hence the name of this diet. When you consume anything that has carbs in it, the carbs are converted into glucose by a hormone present in the body. This hormone is insulin and it is secreted by the pancreas. Glucose can be readily converted into energy and it can be done so rather easily. Hence, it is the first preference. Insulin is released for processing the glucose that is present in your blood stream. Your body will make use of all the glucose that is present, thereby making this the primary fuel source for your body. Fat is simply stored in the cells. The diet of an average individual is carbohydrate based and therefore, glucose is the preferred source of energy. 

When the intake of carbohydrates has been reduced, then your body is induced into ketosis. Ketosis is the process that helps your body in burning fats for producing energy instead of depending on glucose. When the intake of food reduces, your body is naturally induced into a state of ketosis. 

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