Ketogenic diet: Amazing Delicious Ketogenic Diet Recipes & Rapid Weight Loss by James Andrews

(138b) Amazing Delicious Ketogenic Diet Recipes & Rapid Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: amazing delicious ketogenic diet recipes & rapid weight loss


In the body of a female, subcutaneous fat is formed due to the consumption of large amounts of glucose and sugar. A female-specific nutrient ratio, calculated according to the keto-diet principles, induces natural processes that actively split subcutaneous fat. The ketogenic diet is perfect for women whose goal is to have attractive curves.

It is more of a lifestyle than a diet and is ideal especially for those who are struggling with weight issues. As you read on and learn more about this diet, you will understand what sets it apart from other fad diets. Once you try the ketogenic lifestyle, you will see why so many people all over the world have embraced it as a part of their daily lives.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 13079

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Sample text:

So, let’s start with the first and foremost question first. 

Well, we all know that our body continually requires energy for carrying out its day to day activities right? Well, when considering the "Source" of energy, the body usually looks at carbohydrates, proteins or fat.

Unfortunately though, exposing ourselves for a long time to an high-carb – low –fat food regime have increasingly influenced our body to become dependent on glucose (coming from carbohydrates) as the primary source of energy.

Therefore, as long as we have glucose in our body, the body will always keep opting for it as the primary source of energy. The only way to deal with this is to deplete the supply of glucose so that your body is forced to look for other sources.

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