ketogenic diet: A Step-By-Step Guide to Fasting Weight Loss by Bruce Malleus

(47b) A Step-By-Step Guide to Fasting Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: a step-by-step guide to fasting weight loss


This book contains the information you need to know as you embark on a ketogenic diet and steps on how to properly start. Reading this book will help you understand the premise of the diet, how it benefits you and whether you are at risk. You will also learn which steps to take and how to do them, such as counting calories and creating meal plans.

You have probably obsessed over counting calories and Weight Watcher points, but found the dial on that scale barely moves. You have dieted and worked out but you just don’t see the results you want.

Many people want to lose weight. Unfortunately for most, they will try dieting for a week or two before they lose interest. This can often lead to cycle of dieting and binging, going back to old habits before deciding to try again.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 10143

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Sample text:

Weight loss: Such type of diet is likely to make use of the body fat as a source of energy. There are obvious benefits of weight loss, something that cannot be simply denied. Your insulin levels (the hormone which stores fat) on keto tends to drop immensely, thereby turning the body into a fat burning machine. Ketogenic diet scientifically is seen to display much better results when compared to high carb and low-fat diets even during the longer term period. Any person planning to incorporate MCT oil within his diet (to increase production of ketone and witness fat loss) should drink in the morning ketoprofen coffee. 

Helps control level of blood sugar: Blood sugar levels lowers down naturally through keto diet because of the food type consumed. According to studies, the ketogenic diet has been found to be a much effective way towards managing as well as preventing diabetes when compared to those low-calorie diets.

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