Ketogenic diet: A Quick and Easy Guide to the Ketogenic Diet by Samantha Linda

(87b) A Quick and Easy Guide to the Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic diet:  a quick and easy guide to the ketogenic diet


This book provides a breakdown of the science behind ketogenics and includes personal testimonies from people who have experienced the benefits of practicing a keto lifestyle first hand. This book also provides strategies for increasing ketone levels, an overview of the different types of ketogenic diets and their benefits, a list of ketone supplements, keto-friendly recipes and ingredients, sources for finding specialty foods, and much more.

Smoothies and shakes are a quick, easy and delicious way to make sure you get all the fruits and veggies you need, and the smoothies in this book take it one step further and include herbs and spices that will boost your health and energy levels!

The ketogenic diet is a fantastic way to achieve a healthier lifestyle overall, whilst losing a significant amount of weight, and not being hungry!

Get this book today.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 8799

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Sample text:

You might have heard countless times that it is important to limit your intake of sodium. However, when you are on a ketogenic diet and your carbohydrates levels are low, insulin levels in your body are also low as a result. Insulin is important for maintaining proper potassium/sodium ratio. So when it is inadequate, this means that your kidneys will excrete a lot of sodium from your body, which leads to a low sodium/potassium ratio leaving your body needing an urgent replenishment of sodium.

On a ketogenic diet, you should target to include a further 3-5 grams of net sodium on top of the little sodium that you take. Rather than consuming the common table salt, this extra sodium can be derived from natural foods or from pink salt (Himalayan sea salt), which is much healthier. One tablespoonful of pink salt contains as much as 2 grams of net sodium. The following are some of the ways in which you can add that extra sodium in your diet:

·           Eat a lot of cucumber or celery. These are low in carbohydrates but contain sufficient sodium.

·           Pumpkin seeds and macadamia nuts also contain traces of sodium. You can also choose to salt them with pink salt.

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