ketogenic diet: A Practical Guide to Ketogenic Diets by Glen Amen

(32b) A Practical Guide to Ketogenic Diets

Ketogenic diet: a practical guide to ketogenic diets


Most of us have dealt with some kind of issues whether it is health problems, being overweight, lack of energy and many other issues. And we all expect to find one or other solution for these problems.Use these weight loss tips and delicious recipes to achieve happiness, health, and beauty, without boring workouts, diets, and cutting calories.

How to get prepared for what would ensue in the dietAnd the complete guideline on this lifestyleAnd extensive recipes for every day living that includes every single thing that should and should not be consumed.Finally, Plenty of authentic recipes to make your weight loss journey a little more colorful and tasty.

Ketogenic diet originally designed for patients with epilepsy. With the time going, it has been discovered to be an effective weight loss tool, helping people shed unwanted pounds and at the same time, promoting overall health. Below are some of the benefits you will get

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 6698

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Sample text:

For beginners, switching to an entirely new way of eating can seem very daunting. However, it isn’t as complicated as it might first seem. It’s about acknowledging the fact that your diet is bad for you and that if you’re intent on losing weight, a change needs to happen. It may require you to watch what you eat and make sure that the balance in your meals is maintained, but these become simpler and much easier to do as you go along.


The moment you become more mindful of the food that you consume and how it affects your body, switching to healthier options becomes natural to you. You will no longer want to starve yourself to lose weight. Each time you get a craving for food that is restricted in the diet, you may find yourself automatically saying no to it. With regular practice, the diet itself becomes a part of your daily routine and before you know it, you would have made an entire lifestyle change for the better.


To make things easier on you, here are a few tips to help you get started:


-         Get yourself a carb counter. There are two options for this. You can find one of them through Amazon for a few bucks or grab one of the free versions online—do beware of the free ones as they might be inaccurate or incomplete. As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. These counters are meant to provide you with the info you need when it comes to the carb count of certain foods, especially your favorites. Having these should enable you to plan your meals properly and make sure that each one is balanced.

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