Ketogenic diet: A Complete Guide to Weight Loss Meal Plan for Beginners by vigor Hartwig

(166b) A Complete Guide to Weight Loss Meal Plan for Beginners

Ketogenic diet: a complete guide to weight loss meal plan for beginners


If you are wondering what the Ketogenic Diet is all about, this book has all sorts of great information about the Keto Diet and how it can help you get healthy and lose weight. It has great ideas for the kind of food you can and cannot eat while on the Keto Diet. Let this book be your guide as you start your journey towards a slimmer and fitter you.

A lot of people out there are struggling to get through their day-to-day lives and lead successful lives. However, in the process, most of them are not paying enough attention to their health and lifestyle. You are probably one of these people, and you might have noticed how your health has taken a downward spiral over the years.  

The Ketogenic Diet was designed to treat a variety of illnesses. When it comes to diet regimens and strategies, the Ketogenic Diet is definitely getting a lot of buzz recently. This is mostly because it’s the kind of diet that allows you to eat fat—being a high fat, low carb diet—while still helping you stay in the pink of health, and even lose weight! 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 5475

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Sample text:

A Ketogenic Diet uses ketosis for its calorie requirements. By reducing your carbohydrate or sugar intake on a prolonged basis, your body is forced to turn to your fat stores for energy. This is a very efficient way to lose weight because once you achieve ketosis, your body starts burning fat.


Since your body is no longer using blood sugar to determine hunger cycles, your body's cells are more sensitive to insulin. This helps prevent the onset of diabetes. You also feel less hungry because your body is no longer using blood sugar levels to detect hunger. Your body is burning fat at an even rate, and this has the effect of smoothing out your hunger cycles. Don’t get me wrong, you will still feel hungry at certain parts during the day, but they're not as extreme as when you eat a lot of high glycemic index foods like rice, white bread, and pasta.


This all leads to lower overall hunger levels. You'll feel fuller longer, and you will tend to eat less. Since you will be eating less, you will achieve a net negative calorie state more frequently, and this will lead to further weight loss. Eventually, your new diet recalibrates your hunger cycle, and you are able to remain at a certain amount of calorie intake every day, and you maintain your lower weight.




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