Ketogenic diet: A Complete Guide to 30 Ketogenic Recipes for Beginners by Karen Robson

(125b) A Complete Guide to 30 Ketogenic Recipes for Beginners

Ketogenic diet:  a complete guide to 30 ketogenic recipes for beginners


The Ketogenic diet is a diet consisting of low carbohydrates and surplus healthy fats. Studies have shown that cancer cells survive on glucose while regular cells feed on both ketones and glucose. By riding your body of the one thing needed for these cells to develop, you essentially starve them into a normal body state know as nutritional ketosis. This book provides a detailed and in-depth understanding of the Ketogenic diet, its mechanism and finding out whether or not is it suitable for you.

The Ketogenic diet is designed to work with your body, not against it. And with a proven weight loss plan and delicious recipes you can use at home, you won’t have to waste time or money on special powders, shakes, or monthly meal plans. 

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 4653

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Sample text:

This section of the book provides the detailed information of what Keto is and what are its types. The ketogenic diet is a diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat. It is also known as “Keto.” Keto is same like the Atkins or LCHF diet (low carb, High Fat) diets. Keto being a low carb diet, it makes the burning of fat easier. Along with benefits, Keto also contains certain side effects. The benefits include weight loss and healthy body. Over 20 studies prove the health benefits of the Ketogenic diet. The most advantage is that it proves to improvise the health with weight loss.

The dietitians have researched and introduced many diet plans to fight against these diseases. One of the types of diet includes the Ketogenic diet. When it comes to diet, many people, are mostly confused, or they have less knowledge of what to follow which suits them best. Taking the decision to opt a particular step, to care for their body is not easy for some people. But, it is never late to take the right decision. 

Have you tried all the ways to weight loss? Have you tried to eat right along with exercise and drinking ample amount of water? Haven't you reached your goal? Then, what else you could do to achieve your target?

This book brings you good news to reduce your weight and guides you through the whole process of weight loss to fight against the metabolic disease and to decrease the chances of developing the heart-related diseases. So, let us begin our journey to know everything about Ketogenic diet, and implement it in our daily life to live a healthy life.


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