Ketogenic diet: A Best Guide for a Keto to Lose Weight Fast and Upgrade Your Life by Emerson Jason

(130b) A Best Guide for a Keto to Lose Weight Fast and Upgrade Your Life

Ketogenic diet:  a best guide for a keto to lose weight fast and upgrade your life


If you want your body to burn fat for fuel, you’ll need to trick it into a state of ketosis, which you can do by dropping your net carbohydrate intake below 15 grams per day. While this may sound difficult, inside you will find dozens of recipes perfect for keeping you satisfied for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this ketogenic cookbook can help you get started today!
You can find recipes for breakfasts, lunches, dinners, appetizers, snacks and desserts! 

The Ketogenic diet when incorporated into your regimen will completely revolutionize who you are and you will barely recognize yourself once you implement this into your daily life.
Many of the benefits of the Ketogenic diet include rapid weight loss, improved health, as well as tremendous boost in your mental and physical capabilities.


If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better, this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 13645

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Sample text:

The Keto Diet limits the carbohydrate intake at 5% of the energy intake whereas the low-carb diet plans have no definition. The ketogenic diet is moderate protein, high-fat, and low-carbs. With its limitations of carbs, the diet plan forces your body to burn the fat for energy (ketosis).


The Atkins Plan: You have four phases of the plan and don’t have to count the calories but must count the carbs. During the introductory stage, the Atkins diet is set at roughly 15-30 grams per day of carbs to help promote fat burning instead of using glycogen for energy. Its popularity took a dive when individuals were gaining weight over the long term, getting sick, and increasing their blood lipid profile.


The Paleo diet is a newer trend based on eating as our ancestors did 10,000 years ago. It consists of eating more fruits and veggies because meat supplies were not always available daily. The foods contain more fiber, omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals. They also had less salt and saturated fats. Fats aside from meat should come from healthy oils (avocado, macadamia, walnut, olive). The balance of the diet should reflect refined sugar, legumes, potatoes, cereal grains, and dairy.


The Dukan diet also consists of four phases; two for losing weight, and two for maintaining. The process becomes a bit hectic as each phase moves to the next. 

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