Ketogenic diet: 20 Delicious Recipes and Healthy for Quick Weight Loss by Andreas Craig

(164b) 20 Delicious Recipes and Healthy for Quick Weight Loss

Ketogenic diet: 20 delicious recipes and healthy for quick weight loss


The ketogenic diet has become very popular nowadays. Its principle is based on the minimum carbohydrates intake and a large fat intake per day. Thanks to this diet your body will constantly be in the stage of ketosis. This is a natural process when the body digests food much more slowly than it usually does. A similar state of the body experiences in the survival mode. 

The question then becomes; is there a way you can model your diet in a way that helps you to lose weight easily by optimizing your body for fat burning while at the same time helping you to eat less food without even having to force yourself to stop eating? Well, there is and this diet is the Ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet is a way to change your body's way of burning fuel for energy. Get this book and learn what the ketogenic diet is all about! Find out what foods are burn boosting and get some great recipes. Find out how to connect with others on this plan and learn what results they’ve gotten.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: low carb, ketogenic diet, low carb cookbook, paleo diet, atkins diet, detox, alkaline diet, vegan diet, low carb recipes

Word Count: 3878

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Sample text:

The downside of healthy eating is cost. While it is hard to put a price on your health and wellness, reality has a way of reminding us that we have only so much to spend on our weekly food shop.  Here are a few tried and true techniques for keeping your keto food budget in check:

Buy/Cook/Freeze and Store in Bulk: Even if you are flying solo on your keto diet adventure, don’t buy single servings of anything! Take advantage of all those big wholesale places and stock up.  Invest in a food sealer to ensure that all your hard, frugal work stays safe and healthy in the freezer for the longest optimal period.
Stick to Fresh Veggie Choices – Again, it is wildly tempting, especially at the end of the week when you can’t even – to dive into the freezer section or the store salad bar to get your prepped veggies for the weekend. Dollar for dollar you are making a serious error in judgment, flavor, freshness and frugality.
Be A Bargain Hunter – Do your research; download those online coupons; search for in-store deals; take advantage of introductory online grocery specials. You will have a much better chance of enjoying a diverse menu if you stay on the lookout for specials and bargains. 

By now, you should be chomping at the bit to see all of the wonderful breakfast, lunch dinner, snack and desert recipes included in this book. Please enjoy, but as always, when embarking on any diet or restricted eating plan, consult with a medical professional and get personal clearance before beginning your ketogenic cooking adventures.

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