Journey of the Fourth Queen by Mark Miller

What happens after happily ever after?

Journey of the fourth queen

Where do fairytale princesses go after their happily ever after?

The land of Empyrean is home to all the myths and folklore of childhood. The princesses of once upon a time became the four great queens of this land ruled by magic.

Now their land is in danger. One of the queens has disappeared. Without the fourth queen, the Forgotten Evil will be freed from its ancient prison.

Two sisters, Zandria and Olena, live in a tiny village by the sea. Their world is about to get bigger. With his dying breath, Zandria’s father tells her that she is to be the new queen. The sisters flee their home, chased by werewolves, facing danger at every turn. With the help of some unique allies, they must travel to the crystal castle, claim Zandria’s birthright and stop the Forgotten Evil.

Will the sisters reach the castle in time to save Empyrean? Or will they lose each other forever?

Take the first step into the land of Empyrean to join Zandria and Olena on the Journey of the Fourth Queen!

Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fantasy / Epic

Secondary Genre: YOUNG ADULT FICTION / Fairy Tales & Folklore / General

Language: English

Keywords: fantasy, positive female role model, magic, quest, fairy tale reimagined, jrr tolkien, joseph campbell's hero's journey, twisted fairytales, myth adaptation, sibling rivalry, struggling sisters

Word Count: 72506

Sales info:

Origianlly published in 2008, this is the first book in a planned 8 book epic fantasy adventure (the first 4 novels are complete).

Sample text:

Two sisters, Zandria and Olena, lived in a village by the sea at the eastern edge of the kingdom of Empyrean. Their story starts here.

The hooves of the two horses ripped the ground as they pounded forward, every muscle rippling, every sinew stretching at the speed. Wrath, the lead horse, drove them on side-by-side at this impossible pace with a will more powerful than any driver’s whip. The carriage that they pulled bounced and rocked through the ruts left by thousands of years of travel on this ancient path that had only one destination. The Castle Empyrean stood waiting in the distance. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Evi van den Elzen
Already translated. Translated by Gabriela Garcia Calderon

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
