Japanese Fairy Tales by Karl Alberti

Twenty-Four Ancient Japanese Fairy Tales

Japanese fairy tales

In this book is a collection of 24 Japanese Fairy Tales. Many of them had never been translated out of Japanese before. 

This book was actually originally published in German by Karl Alberti (who originally translated the stories from Japanese). I translated them to English in 2013.

One of the stories, The Wily Policeman, can be read in its entirety at http://intellectualeconomy.wordpress.com/2013/06/21/the-wily-policeman/

When I originally put the book on sale, I used the original title of the book, "Japanische Marchen" but have since reverted to its translated title, "Japanese Fairy Tales."


Genre: FICTION / Historical

Secondary Genre: LITERARY COLLECTIONS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 26636

Sales info:

Sales are good. Only one review, which is odd, but it does sell.

In addition to the full book, I have four short stories from this collection for sale individually for 99 cent (the book itself is for sale for $2.99). They sell good as well.

Sample text:

The Thoughtful Heron

Early in the morning, a heron walked gravely up and down in a lake. He was hungry and looking for prey. Suddenly he saw a slender eel snaking through the clear water, and a lively little fish came up and swam around, finally a frog hopped on a large lotus leaf and began to sing its morning song.

"Hey," thought the heron. "That's rich booty! But which of the three shall I take first?"

Reflecting, he bowed his head, but as he thought about the three little creatures, they had seen their dangerous enemy.

The frog was gone with a jump into the water, the little fish dived and swam away quickly and the eel hid himself in the deepest mud.

The heron stood there and had to return alone. The loot was gone and new loot did not show up. He still stands thoughtfully in pods, waiting. So it goes to all those who forget the attention their reflection brings.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Stephanie
Unavailable for translation.
Already translated. Translated by Silvia Beghelli
Already translated. Translated by Eduardo
Author review:
This translator translated quickly and efficiently and asked questions when they were stumped by a turn of phrase and how best to render it into Portuguese. I would ask this translator to translate another work in an instant.
Already translated. Translated by Marina García Rodríguez
Author review:
Great translator. She worked very fast and worked hard on this translation. She communicated often and had excellent questions that I'm sure made her translation that much better. I would totally ask her to translate another book.
Already translated. Translated by Feride Ceyda Erdemli
Author review:
Great work. There was a lot of checking in and input through the whole processes. Great translator.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
