Intermittent Fasting: The Complete Guide for Weight Loss (Healthy and Easy Approach) by Bernard Mcdonald

(29b) The Complete Guide for Weight Loss (Healthy and Easy Approach)

Intermittent fasting: the complete guide for weight loss (healthy and easy approach)

As we go through different stages in our lives, our health changes. We may gain weight, develop chronic illnesses or just feel that our energy levels are dropping off faster as age or stress levels get the better of us. While fad diets pop up in the media almost daily, and these may advertise short-term weight loss, there are few regimes that offer sustained weight loss, increased energy levels while also encouraging the body’s natural processes to reduce symptoms of chronic disease.
A book for those who need a quick introduction to the Ketogenic diet. Why chose Keto? Lose weight, lower the chance of diabetes, and feel good while you do it. Eat from an endless amount of fresh ingredients and savory animal protein foods. Join the millions who have already made the switch to a whole-foods based diet. The Keto revolution focuses on the magic of low-carb meanwhile picking your favorite meats and veggies. 

Download Now And Start Intermittent Fasting TODAY!

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: Intermittent fasting cookbook, intermittent fasting for beginners, intermittent fasting, paloe die, vegan diet, low carb diet, low carb cookbook

Word Count: 5500

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Sample text:

Chia Flour Pancakes



1 cup Chia flour

2 tsp. sweetener of your choice

1 egg, beaten

1 Tbsp. coconut butter or oil

1/2 cup coconut milk (canned)



In a medium bowl, combine the flour and sugar. Add the egg, milk and coconut butter. Mix well until make a smooth batter.
Grease a non-stick skillet and heat over medium-high heat. Drop a heaping tablespoon of batter onto the hot surface.
When bubbles form on the surface of the scones, use a spatula to turn them and then cook about 2 minutes per side.
Serve hot.

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