Intermittent Fasting: A Step by Step Guide for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss by Joey Rose

(40b) A Step by Step Guide for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting: a step by step guide for fast and healthy weight loss

Do you struggle with your weight? Do you follow a training regimen that sees a good amount of weight loss, only to gain it back as soon as you lighten up? Are you a yo-yo dieter, jumping on every dieting bandwagon that comes along and then, just as quickly, falling back off again?

Or do you lose steadily and then get stuck on a plateau for what seems like forever?

If your answer to any of those questions is a frustrated, “Yes!” then I totally get it. Trying to figure out a weight loss plan, without going overboard and while still being reasonable, can be incredibly frustrating.


Intermittent fasting is a simple diet protocol that shifts between periods of fasting and eating. It is quite flexible and can be customized according to your lifestyle needs and requirements. Unlike other crash diets, you don’t have to follow any strict dietary protocols. Intermittent fasting promotes weight loss and is sustainable in the long run.


 Another great thing about this diet is that you no longer have to count your calories. As long as you stick to the eating schedule, and consume healthy meals, you have nothing to worry about. By making a couple of changes to your usual routine, you can reap all the benefits this diet offers.

Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: Intermittent fasting cookbook, intermittent fasting for beginners, intermittent fasting, paloe die, vegan diet, low carb diet, low carb cookbook

Word Count: 8447

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Sample text:


2 1/2 lbs. ground beef

2 large Spaghetti Squash

7 ounces whole milk Ricotta Cheese

7 ounces Mozzarella cheese, sliced

4 cups Marinara sauce

coconut or olive oil for greasing



Preheat oven to 375F. Grease a large baking dish with coconut or olive oil.
Split the Spaghetti Squash and lay face down into large glass dish and fill with water. Bake for 40-45 minutes.
While the Spaghetti Squash is cooking, in a large saucepan cook the ground meat and the marinara sauce. Once combined, set aside.
When the Spaghetti Squash is done scrap the meat of the squash to from spaghetti.
Assembly the lasagna in a large greased pan, start with a layer of Spaghetti Squash, then the meat sauce, then slices of mozzarella, then ricotta, then repeats until ingredients are exhausted.
Bake for 30-35 35 minutes until the top layer of cheese is browning. Serve hot or keep refrigerated.

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