My fight and advocacy with Sarcoidosis

My fight and advocacy with Sarcoidosis

I have sarcoidosis but it doesn't have me

Frank Rivera's fight and advocacy has gone through up and downs but it will never beat me. We have two options in life when fighting any rare disease: Either you can roll up into a ball or you can fight. I chose to fight!This is a book about one person's fight and struggles in his own words. He fights for all of those who can't fight for themselves. He wants to make sure you know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! He writes about his mental fight with dealing with diseases as well as the physical. This book is all of his own writings at the time of when things were going on. They are his true words at the exact time he feels them. He is not afraid to show his vulnerability and his strength. It is a chilling true at the moment feelings.

Genre: SELF-HELP / Anxieties & Phobias

Secondary Genre: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Medical

Language: English

Keywords: Sarcoidosis, Rare Disease

Word Count: 36556

Sales info:

Best Sellers Rank: #1,865,509 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)

#2,393 in Medical Diseases (Kindle Store)
#3,451 in Biographies of People with Disabilities (Books)
#14,258 in Medical Diseases (Books)

Sample text:

I wanted to put together a book that talks about my thoughts at those exact moments I was having these feelings.

It is a compilation of my blogs and diary thoughts dealing with all different things including my views on Right to Try, Being an Adult Rare Disease Patient, Sarcoidosis and other points of view I had during my fight with Sarcoidosis

Some of the posts will speak about some of the same things but with a different point of view.


I wanted to show you the true feelings with NO Holds Barred! You get to see all the different sides of me. You also get to see my vulnerable side. It isn't a side I show too often, but needs to be seen so you can understand what one of many Sarcoidosis, rare disease, chronically ill and patients who are in chronic pain feel! To understand you must not only hear you must listen to a patient. If you want to know ask a patient, but be sure to be ready for the bad as much as the good is small.


I am a terminally ill patient! That is what I am, but not who I am!




Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Ketlin Baukat
Already translated. Translated by Luis Rufus

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
