How to Start a Business That Doesn't Suck (and Will Actually Turn a Profit) by Michael Clarke

A No-Nonsense Guide to Starting a Business

How to start a business that doesn't suck (and will actually turn a profit)

Discover How to Create a Business (That Actually Makes Moolah!)

Want to create your own business? (But no idea how to get started?)

Have a business idea but not sure how to translate it into a kick-ass bundle of money-making awesomeness?

Looking for a NO B.S. and super-simple guide to turning your inner strengths into steady, reliable profits?

Worry not! Because in "How to Start a Business That Doesn't Suck (and Will Actually Turn a Profit)" you'll discover:

•    How to Hack Your Brain for Business-Building Awesomeness!
•   How to Find a Business Idea That Doesn't Suck
•    How to Create Products (and Services) That Strangers Will Buy
•    How to Create Your Business Plan of Awesomeness
•    How to Get Funded (Even If You're Broke and Don't Know a Soul) 

…and so much more!

And each chapter includes easy-to-follow action steps to help you create the business of your dreams - without taking a single $2,000 online course. 

So, why not begin your quest for small-business!

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / General

Language: English


Word Count: 23, 978

Sales info:

Just published recently.

Sample text:

Prologue: Why You Should Definitely NOT (Under Any Circumstances) Start a Business

This is the part of the book where I’m SUPPOSED to encourage you to start your own business.

Where I’m SUPPOSED to extol the virtues of working for yourself and the unmatchable joys of seeing a business (you created) grow into six (and seven- and eight-) figure profitability.

But I’d like to give you a different piece of “starting a business” advice…


Whatever dreams you have of packing up your cubicle and creating that whiz-bang product or state-of-the-art service, so you can make millions of dollars in passive income and drink Piña Coladas on a yacht in Aruba…

…save yourself the heartache (and tendinitis) and don’t it.

The truth is when you start a business:

You’ll work MORE hours than you ever did at your crappy day job

You’ll have less family-and-friend support than you think

You’ll make expensive (and stupid) mistakes (more than once)
You’ll create products nobody wants (even when you give ‘em away)

You’ll blow through cash in ways you never dreamed (You ain’t lived till you spent $6,000 on a website!)

You’ll hire people who can’t work more than five minutes without checking their phone (some of whom you’re related to)

And you’ll find it’s much harder than you ever thought to create a profitable business (and even harder to keep it profitable)

And that’s for businesses that survive, that turn a profit.

According to the Small Business Administration, less than 20% of all businesses last more than five years. (Even marriages succeed better than that!)



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The book is available for translation into any language.

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