Higher Probability Commodity Trading by Carley Garner

A Comprehensive Guide to Commodity Market Analysis, Strategy Development, and Risk Management Techniques Aimed at Favorably Shifting the Odds of Success.

Higher probability  commodity trading

Higher Probability Commodity Trading takes readers on an unprecedented journey through the treacherous commodity markets; shedding light on topics rarely discussed in trading literature from a unique perspective, with the intention of increasing the odds of success for market participants.   The Author, Carley Garner, is a frequent contributor of commodity market analysis to CNBC’s Mad Money TV show hosted by Jim Cramer.  She has also been a futures and options broker, where for over a decade she has had a front row seat to the victories and defeats the commodity markets deal to traders. 

In its quest to guide traders through the process of commodity market analysis, strategy development, risk management, Higher Probability Commodity Trading discusses several alternative market concepts and unconventional views such as option selling tactics, hedging futures positions with options, and combining the practice of fundamental, technical, seasonal, and sentiment analysis to gauge market price changes.

Garner has a knack for portraying complex commodity trading concepts, in an easy-to-read and entertaining format.  Readers of Higher Probability Commodity Trading are sure to walk away with a better understanding of the futures and options market, but more importantly with the benefit of years of market lessons learned without the expensive lessons.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Personal Finance / Investing

Secondary Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / E-Commerce / Online Trading

Language: English

Keywords: Futures trading, commodity trading, option trading, commodities, futures, personal investing, online trading, commodity option trading, option selling, learntotradecommodities, learntotradefutures, tradingeducation

Word Count: 133,354

Sales info:

#1 New Release in Futures Trading on Amazon

#1 New Release in Commodities Trading on Amazon


Sample text:

Although most commodity trading publications claim there are two primary methods of market exploration (technical and fundamental), it is worthwhile to include some less-publicized forms of market studies in your speculation.  After all, if most market participants lose money trading commodities, and the most common forms of market analysis are technical and fundamental, there might be something to adding additional parameters to the mix.  Simply going with the flow in any regard could lead you to slaughter with the rest of the herd. 

When analyzing a commodity market, I prefer to consult multiple-chart time frames to gain an overall bias.  I then glance at the latest fundamental market consensus, and after that, I look to the seasonal patterns of the market in question, the current makeup of buyers and sellers as displayed in the COT Report, and finally, I consider any sharp positive or negative market correlations that could affect the trade. 

First, let’s look at some habitual seasonal patterns that might prove to be useful in speculation.  In the next chapter we’ll move on to the others.


Markets of all types and sizes undergo undeniable annual patterns.  These annual cycles are not limited to agricultural commodities; annual price tendencies can be found in all commodity, stock, real estate, and even collectors’ items such as art and baseball cards.  Seasonal behavior is the result of many factors, but the primary drivers are annual growing cycles, weather, changes in supply and demand in anticipation of annual consumer behavioral habits, and annual political or economic events. 

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by John Wannecke
Author review:
John was wonderful to work with. He put in extra care to ensure the final product is one we could be proud of.
Already translated. Translated by Alvaro R Costas Delgado
Author review:
Alvaro was great to work with. He delivered the product in a quick and efficient fashion.

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