Her Duke of Sin by Dawn Brower

Juliet is not prepared for the Duke of Sin himself taking an interest in her. He threatens every carefully laid plan she makes and he might just be her undoing.

Her duke of sin

Miss Juliet Adams would be living on the streets if not for the kindness of the dowager Countess of Wyndam. Her father died leaving her penniless and without any prospects. The countess offered her a position as her companion and she leapt at the opportunity. She's content with her life, but she's also no fool. She fully realizes a day may come where she won't have the protection of the countess and then where will that leave her? So she's made plans, concessions, none of which includes love or marriage. Until a certain duke makes her question everything...

Gideon Pryce, the Duke of Sinbrough has led a life filled with the most sinful activities imaginable. There's not much he hasn't done or would consider doing. He lives for all the decadence he can indulge in and as far as he is concerned there isn't enough in the world. Until one day he notices her. The one woman that looks at him like he's nothing. Women usually scramble to be with him, but not Miss Juliet Adams. He decides to make it his mission to change her view of him, and perhaps show her how much pleasure he can give her.

Juliet is not prepared for the Duke of Sin himself taking an interest in her. He threatens every carefully laid plan she makes and he might just be her undoing. That is if she can't instead be his salvation...

Genre: FICTION / Romance / Regency

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Historical / Victorian

Language: English

Keywords: duke, lady's companion, second chance

Word Count: 21000

Sample text:

The earl grinned. “She has you working too much. Don’t fret. I’ll check in on her and see if she desires anything. Claudine should arrive soon, I believe. She’s traveling with another friend of hers. Please inform me when she reaches the castle.” He gestured toward the duke. “And while I’m visiting with my grandmother, can you show His Grace to his chambers? If it isn’t too much of a difficulty… I realize that isn’t your responsibility.”

She wanted to grate her teeth together in frustration but held back her displeasure. Juliet could see to the task. Even if she detested the Duke of Sinbrough and those of his ilk... “Of course, Lord Wyndam.” She forced a smile onto her face. “His Grace will be safe in my care.”

The duke grinned. “Will I?” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. “What if I do not wish to be safe? Surely we can do better than that.”

“Be nice,” the earl warned the duke. “Juliet is my grandmother’s companion, and she won’t take kindly to you distressing her.”

“I’d never be problematic with a beautiful woman.” He held his hand over his heart as if the very thought disturbed him. “How dare you suggest I could be that insufferable?”

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Cecilia Metta
Already translated. Translated by Alexander Sánchez

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
