Heavenly Hosts (second edition) by Kathryn Griffin Swegart

Eucharistic Miracles for Kids

Heavenly Hosts is a best-selling children's book that was awarded the Catholic Writer's Guild Seal of Approval

Heavenly hosts (second edition)


Heavenly Hosts (second edition) is a popular treasury of twelve stories based on actual Eucharistic miracles recorded in Church history. Complete with delightful pen and ink drawings, the stories both entertain and inspire young readers. The collection abounds with children and animals sure to bring the stories to life. Told in a simple and engaging style, readers have given it a 5-star rating on Amazon. There is also a photo gallery of sites depicting where the miracles occurred.

Genre: RELIGION / Christianity / Catholic

Language: English

Keywords: Eucharist, First Communion, Roman Catholic, Christian Historical fiction -juvenile

Word Count: 13,000

Sales info:

Heavenly Hosts (first edition) has been an Amazon best-seller, reaching the rank of #1 among Roman Catholic books. It was astounding to see this simple little children's book, written by an unknown writer, self-published and with no advertising, rank above adult books written by famous Catholic authors. It found a niche and spread like wild fire by word of mouth. It also was #1 in Christian historical fiction for children.

Sample text:


  Miracles happen every day in the most common places. Take a walk on a late summer day. Look under the leaf of a milkweed pod. A small green pouch hangs from a tiny silk button. Be curious, and look closer. It appears that an artist with a fine brush has painted a sparkling gold rim around the top. Here is the chrysalis of a monarch butterfly. Nothing moves. Nothing is happening, but looks can be deceiving. Inside this pouch, a caterpillar dissolves into liquid. A chemical process turns this liquid into a monarch butterfly. Even scientists call this change a biological miracle.

Every time we attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a miracle happens. The priest elevates the Host and says, “Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my Body, which will be given up for you.” Like the chrysalis, a big change occurs. We can’t see this change. We believe it because Jesus told us so at the Last Supper when he instituted the Eucharist. Our Catholic faith teaches us that at the moment of consecration, Jesus is present under the appearances of bread and wine. He is there Body and Blood, soul and divinity. He becomes our spiritual food. The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist is a mystery of God’s love. Eucharistic miracles do not prove this great mystery. They strengthen our faith. We believe in our hearts.

Sometimes God lifts that veil. Sometimes Jesus shows that the bread is his flesh and the wine is his blood. More than a hundred times in Church history, Jesus gives us a peek behind the veil. Here are ten of those miracles. Some people and animals are imaginary, but every miracle really did happen.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by elena rovagnati
Author review:
Elena was prompt, professional and really cared about the project. It was a pleasure working with her.

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