From Jobless to Amazon Bestseller by Marc Reklau

How to write, self-publish and promote your book

From jobless to amazon bestseller

From Jobless to Amazon Bestseller shows you the simple, step-by-step system that author Marc Reklau used to write, self publish, market and promote his book to over 50,000 downloads on Kindle. 

You’ll learn how he literally went from jobless to Amazon Bestseller, made 12K in 12 weeks, and how you can do the same and take your book to #1 bestseller status on Amazon. 


If your answer to any of these questions is “Yes”, then this book is for you!

In this how-to guide you will learn:

And so much more!

Think of it! If you publish on Amazon, millions of people are only a click away from downloading your book on their Kindle, PC, Mac, tablets or smartphones. That’s an enormous amount of potential customers

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Marketing / Direct

Secondary Genre: REFERENCE / Handbooks & Manuals

Language: English


Word Count: 17000

Sales info:

Not as successful as my first book "30 Days" - not yet - it was a Bestseller on Amazon for a week, but not a longseller - working on it...

Sample text:

In my first book 30 DAYS - Change your habits, change your life I wanted to take away all your excuses to not have a happy and fulfilled life and give you the tools and exercises to become the master of your destiny and create the life you always dreamt of.

In this book I want to take away all your excuses for not writing the book you have inside of you (I know you do!), or not to finish that manuscript you left halfway, or not to publish your finished manuscript. Instead I want to empower you to publish your book, and give you the tools and tricks to publish your book, market your book and hit it out of the park just like I did a few months ago in April 2015. I’m going to tell you everything about how I got 40000 downloads in 72 hours and how my first book literally took me from jobless to Bestseller (I wrote it while I was jobless) and made me 12K in the following 12 weeks as a result of it! It’s going to sound clichéd but trust me when I say: “IF I CAN DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT!”

I’m going to share everything I learned on my self-publishing journey. It’s based on my experience of writing, publishing and marketing a non-fiction book. Though this book mainly outlines everything that works for a non-fiction book, you should also find valuable gold nuggets for writing fiction, with the exception that I have no experience of outlining a fiction book, character development etc…but I do know how to get 50000 downloads on Amazon.

This book is a result of the countless training modules and sessions I underwent, the reports and e-books on ‘how to be successful with your e-book’, which I read till well in the wee hours, and the first-hand trial and error methodologies. And the bottom line is that there is no sure-shot formula.

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