First Life by Walter Parks

Scientific Adam and Eve

We can scientifically trace man's life back to the first man.

First life

We are beginning to learn more and more about life and how it developed.

A very large number of studies and tests have been conducted to date the original human parents of those of us living today.

Adam and Eve most likely lived 228,000 years ago.

Read this book to see what I have learned.

You may want to follow your own DNA back to first life.

Genre: SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Evolution

Language: English

Keywords: adam, eve, first man, cain, evolution, creatism, eden, cradle of life., preman, Lilith

Word Count: 150

Sales info:


Sample text:

I grew up in the Bible Belt of Mississippi.  We were taught that God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.  But then I read about ancient fossils of human-like creatures and started learning about evolution.

So what is the truth?  


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