Finding the Soul by Walter Parks

Surviving Death

We may have found the scientific explanation for the soul.

Finding the soul

We humans know that we're going to die. We hope that we will have some form of afterlife. But we know that our bodies decay. Therefore in order to have an afterlife there must be some part of us that survives death. We have come to believe in the concept of the soul.
This book describes a possible scientific explanation for the soul and describes the ongoing tests by NASA and others that may lead to proof of some of the elements of the scientific speculations described in this book.

Genre: RELIGION / Philosophy

Language: English

Keywords: soul, religion, surviving death, finding the soul, dealth, spirit, aura

Word Count: 120

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Sample text:

We humans know that we’re going to die. We hope that we will have some form of afterlife. But we know that our bodies decay.  

Afterlife via the Soul

Therefore in order to have an afterlife there must be some part of us that survives death. We have come to believe in the concept of the soul. Therefore in order to have an afterlife there must be some part of us that survives death. We have come to believe in the concept of the soul.

Scientific Explanation

This book describes a possible scientific explanation for the soul and describes the ongoing tests by NASA and others that may lead to proof of some of the elements of the scientific speculations described in this book.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Pedro Pablo Perez Aguero

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