En busca del héroe by Adrián P. J.

"En busca del héroe" raises a simple question: is there a difference between fantasy and reality? Influenced by "The Neverending Story", delves into friendship, imagination, and the true meaning of being a hero.

En busca del héroe

The words in fantasy novels all over the Earth have begun to change and no one knows how or why.

Edmyn is no longer a child and he does not care at all what happens to those books. However, Benja, his younger brother with ASD, lives obsessed with the fantasy world that his mother wrote. When the pages of those books are turned, the little one's life is in danger.

It will be Edmyn who must travel to that world in search of Fenzo, the hero destined to save the kingdom and, thus, his brother. He will have to deal with the zauis: cheerful, colorful beings and totally different from him.

On his way he will run into unimaginable dangers and discoveries that will stir his heart.

He has very little time to find the hero and save his brother.

Will he do it?

Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Fantasy & Magic

Secondary Genre: JUVENILE FICTION / Action & Adventure / General

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Fantasy, Magic, Magical creatures, hero, cloak, journey

Word Count: 78.000

Sales info:

It's been for months among the 200 most sold books in Young fantasy novels on Amazon.

Sample text:

—¿Qué quieres decir?
—Mmmm… —Darek se queda pensativo mientras me observa.
—¡Cuéntale la historia! —exclama Thalia—. Él lo está pasando muy mal.
—¿Qué historia?
Darek se lleva la mano a la barbilla.
—No todo el mundo está preparado para escucharla.
—Pero es que es taaaaan guay…
El joven polaco me mira fijamente. Tras unos segundos, muestra una pequeña sonrisa.
—Está bien. Te la contaré.
—¡Sí! Yo jugaré con la capa mientras —dice Thalia, quien se aleja de nosotros hacia la zona donde antes estaba Dobrogost, que parece haber salido del escenario.
Darek me indica una silla vacía. Me siento en ella y él se acerca con la suya propia.
—Antes de empezar, debes despejar y abrir tu mente. La mayoría de los afectados son unos cerrados sin imaginación. No nos creen, nos desprestigian y nos insultan. Los muy tercos piensan que se trata de un problema lógico, de leyes, de contratos y de tediosa burocracia. ¿No te resulta extraño que todos esos libros hayan sido modificados una vez ya estaban comprados?

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Erin Barr
Already translated. Translated by Zoran Ivanc
Translation in progress. Translated by Claudia Falzone

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
