Empowering The Sensitive Male Soul by Tracy Cooper, Ph.D.

Highly sensitive men

Empowering the sensitive male soul

Do you experience intense, quick emotions, have a deep, rich inner life, and feel overstimulated at times and need to withdraw to recharge in quiet? You may be a highly sensitive man! In this new book by Dr. Tracy Cooper, the author of Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career and Thrill: The High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person, you will learn how to allow your personality trait in ways that empower yourself and others. Drawing on his own original research and others and years of working with highly sensitive men as a consultant in many crucial areas of life, he explores the topic of highly sensitive men from a viewpoint that is broad and rich in context and meaning. Addressing such topics as anger in men, perceptions, Misophonia Dr. Cooper adds to the existing body of work on highly sensitive men while enlarging the conversation around masculinity and how it is expressed. This book does not take the position that masculinity is toxic. Rather, how it is expressed in each man is within his control and responsibility to rise up as the quiet leaders, the patient healers, and the curious scientists and creators in a world that sorely needs men who can think and act in a divergent and convergent way. This book seeks to address and explore topics that have been left out of the conversation to date such as giftedness, broad visions of career possibilities, and avoiding the stereotypes so easily attributed to groups of people who are different. Empowering the Sensitive Male Soul is about finding your voice through the cultural confusion and expressing it in ways that move us closer to self-realization and wholeness. Whether you are a sensitive man or know one, this book is invaluable in depicting them as high potential, high empathy, and wonderfully creative and worthwhile souls.

Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Personality

Secondary Genre: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Men's Studies

Language: English

Keywords: highly sensitive men, HSP , masculinity, selfcare, emotion regulation, creativity, parenting, career

Word Count: 53818

Sample text:

The rock singer Chris Cornell has just passed away
at the age of 52 as I write this section and I am
processing the loss of a tremendous talent of my
generation while trying to understand how a man can
commit suicide with two beautiful, young children and a
wife he described as “a lioness, an angel…the perfect wife
and mother.” Do we expect too much of ourselves? Are
we too stressed by the society we live in? Do men
necessarily have to self-destruct, or can we live to grand
old ages and play the role of sage to our younger
counterparts? Chris Cornell, the lead singer for both
Soundgarden and Audioslave, never appeared to be in
crisis. Perhaps he suffered in silence like many of us do
with depression, anxiety, and accumulated emotional
baggage from our early lives that weighs us down like
ticking time bombs waiting for the right moment to
explode and take a part of us with it. Regardless of how
we choose to view Cornell’s death, masculinity carries
with it a weight. That much is certain.

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