Emotional Intelligence: Discover... by Dorothy Mok

Why it Can Matter More Than IQ

Are you tired of struggling emotionally and socially in each and every environment that you end up in? If so, then keep reading.

Emotional intelligence: discover...

Are you tired of struggling emotionally and socially in each and every environment that you end up in? If so, then keep reading.

Maybe you are always in conflicts with your friends, finding that they oftentimes end up avoiding you entirely. Maybe your romantic relationships are always cut short because you feel like you are entirely misunderstood, no matter how often you try to better yourself. Does this sound familiar?

If you find that the social situations that you end up in are like pulling teeth, it may be that you lack emotional intelligence. Now, this is not something that people generally want to hear, but keep reading—when you lack emotional intelligence, you struggle to relate to other people. You find that you cannot directly empathize with others, or you may feel like you struggle to make good, solid emotional connections. You struggle with your own emotional abilities as well—you  may find that controlling your temper or behaving in a way that is not impulsive becomes an impossibility for you. When this happens, the unfortunate end result is that your relationships suffer.

When your relationships suffer, you feel worse about yourself, and the entire situation repeats, over and over and over. Eventually, you find that your own emotional state is just too much. You may withdraw or choose to believe the emotions themselves are the problem, not you. However, that could not be further from the truth. Your real problem lies in the lack of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence is your ability to relate to other people. It is the ability to really understand what other people think and feel. It is your ability to recognize that, at the end of the day, social skills and relationships matter. And ultimately, your emotional intelligence actually begins to matter more than your IQ.


In fact, in many contexts, people will choose someone emotionally intelligent over having an IQ. It matters to people, and because of that, you should be eager to develop your own emotional intelligence. This book is here to help you with exactly that. Through guiding you through the fundamentals of emotional intelligence, you will learn how to better relate to others.

This book will teach you this by providing you with the following:



Even if you feel like you are too far gone in terms of your relationship capabilities, you can still learn to grasp these concepts. You can still learn to become emotionally intelligent, no matter how old or young you are. All you have to do is be willing to try. Scroll up and click on BUY NOW today—it is time to take back your life and better your relationships!

Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Applied Psychology

Language: English

Keywords: self help, personal growth, self help easy, productivity, project management, work, psychology self help, stoicism, modern stoicism, stoicisim and success, stoicism and daily life, emotional intelligence, stoicism and psychology

Word Count: 15154

Sample text:

You could choose to go and take an emotional intelligence quiz to determine how emotionally intelligent you are, to begin with. You could go and start to make use of the information in the book, adding these changes and lifestyle choices to your life to determine if they are additions that you can welcome and accept with ease. You can decide whether you want to go and find a book that has even more information on the subject—after all, this one has barely scratched the surface.

Now that you have been introduced to emotional intelligence, you know that it is there. You understand that it matters immensely and that everyone around you is going to want to avoid you if you are lacking in emotional intelligence just due to the general frustration of being around someone without these crucial soft skills.

As this book draws to a close, remember just how valuable this skillset is, to begin with. Recognize the potential that this system has to work for you if you are willing and able to take control of it. Recognize that you can better yourself in learning to become emotionally intelligent, and it is entirely within your own control.

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