El Apagón by Esteban Navarro Soriano

In a small town in northern Spain, mysteriously, electricity has stopped working.

El apagón

In a small town in northern Spain, mysteriously, electricity has stopped working. Batteries, mobile phones, vehicles or machinery have become mere pieces of decoration.

Until it is resolved what causes the electricity to not work, the government sends several CNI agents who have to investigate the murder of the owner of one of the town's bars, the rape of a girl on a road that leads to the Shipyard ( the area where electricity begins to work), the suicide of the pastor of the hermitage and the incessant wandering of agents from other countries: North Americans and Russians, among others, offering huge sums of money to anyone who provides a clue as to what originates the known as the blackout.

Genre: FICTION / Espionage

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / International Mystery & Crime

Language: Spanish

Keywords: woman, thriller, mystery, police, intrigue, blackout, investigation

Word Count: 76941

Sales info:

In Spain it is one of the best sellers in Espionage Thrillers and has 110 opinions

Sample text:

María Cifuentes empuja el portón de la farmacia Larraga, oyendo al instante el crujir de los avejentados goznes y el chasqueo de la madera. Las bisagras, sin duda, necesitan aceite. La campanilla tintinea alertando de que alguien está entrando por la puerta. Del interior del pequeño comercio, que regenta la señora Remedios Larraga, emana el característico olor a medicamento. María sabe que aún tendrá que esperar al menos un par de minutos hasta que la dueña traspase la fina cortinilla que separa la rebotica de la botica y haga acto de presencia detrás de ese mostrador tan antiguo como la propia farmacia.

—Un momento, enseguida salgo. —Se escucha una voz lejana y débil.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Ana Fabrega
Already translated. Translated by Valquíria Pereira Bosqueti

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
