Dog Training: The Training Guide for Your Dog Obedient and Joyful by Raven Kane

(57) The Training Guide for Your Dog Obedient and Joyful

Dog training: the training guide for your dog obedient and joyful


This book contains vital information for every dog owner who wants to implement some basic training techniques with their furry friends. Training is the best way to make sure Fido is well mannered and that he’ll obey you in a dangerous situation. Basic commands like sit, come, and stop are extremely useful when the dog is in a strange environment and could react in an unpredictable manner.

Are you getting a new dog in your life and don’t want to have your patience tested every single moment he is around? Is your current dog constantly misbehaving and pushing you to the point of think about getting rid of him?Then you need to take a look at this book. It show new and experience dog owners a whole new side of owning a dog. 

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!


Genre: CRAFTS & HOBBIES / General

Secondary Genre: HOUSE & HOME / General

Language: English

Keywords: dog training, dog training books, dog training for kids, dog training guide, dog training journal, dog training manual, dog training trick, dog training whistle, puppy training, puppy training books, puppy training guide, puppy training essentials, puppy training for kids, puppy training for small dogs, puppy training journal, puppy training step by step, puppy training treats, training your puppy

Word Count: 5194

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Sample text:

Most puppies get good behavioral biting ethics when he is under the care of her mother. Her mother knows instinctively how to teach him proper behavior and good social skills.

An effective way to do this is to emulate the training methodology of a mother dog. The process is simple, but it's important to apply it consistently. If your puppy gets 'mouthy' or bites you too hard you need to make it abundantly clear that this behavior is unacceptable.


To do this, you need to make a sound that startles the puppy and makes them pay attention to you. The specific sound is unimportant just as long as it achieves the necessary result. Once you have the puppy's attention you 'disengage' by turning your back and refusing to interact for a few minutes. Most puppies quickly learn what is and isn't acceptable via this method.


For especially stubborn or aggressive puppies your best course of action is to call a professional dog trainer, preferably one who utilizes positive reinforcement methods. While most puppies learn right and wrong with relative ease, some may need the extra training that only a professional can provide.

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