Digital Dreams by J.R.S. Saenz

9 years into the future, the best virtual reality game of all time might just be much more than just a game.

Digital dreams

9 years into the future, Virtual Reality has become an escape for the majority of the population and Digital / Dreams is THE game to play; warriors, knights, swordsmen, sorcerers and barbarians coexist in a digital world full of strange beings and adventures. However an intruder has infected the game, and it is possible that what was once believed to be just a virtual world, is actually much more than that.

Genre: FICTION / Science Fiction / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / General

Language: Spanish

Keywords: digital, dreams, videogame, virtual reality, game, computer

Word Count: 27093

Sales info:


I'm Roy, and I saw you were looking for a writer, well WHAT A COINCIDENCE!! I was just looking for someone in need of some awesometacular writing... and that can help me translate my novels and short stories.

I'm a publicist with more than 6 years of experience and more than 150 campaigns on air. I'm also an experienced writer with 3 published novels on Amazon.

I would love to work with you, so hit me up!

Cheers and I'll see you in the future.

Sample text:

Capítulo XIV.

(Al día siguiente, después del encuentro entre Roy e Yllidia)

-Al fin he llegado- dijo Jue- ¿Esto me dirá dónde te escondes, Moon?

Jue se encontraba frente a una enorme puerta dorada con gravados de almas en pena. La escena era bizarra ya que la puerta se encontraba sola y no aparentaba dar a ningún lado.

De pronto, se oyó una voz extremadamente grave que provenía de la puerta.

-¡¿Quién eres y qué quieres?! ¡Te advierto que nadie es digno de mi sabiduría!- dijo la voz.

-Soy Jue, el hechicero legendario ¡te comando que abras la puerta, busco a Moon!

La voz estalló en risas -¡¿Qué te hace pensar que eres digno de saber dónde se encuentra el oráculo?!

Jue se acercó más a la puerta.

-Si no me dices dónde se encuentra… DD desaparecerá para siempre, junto con la mente de los jugadores que estén conectados- dijo Jue.

-¿Por qué lo dices?- Preguntó la voz.

-¡Alarma B40!- gritó Jue.

-¡¿Cómo sabes ese termino?!

-No malgastes tus preguntas.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Annelise Belmonte
Already translated. Translated by Paolo Martino
Already translated. Translated by Bruno Santos

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
