Devlin's Descendant by Felicia Tatum

Scott and Olivia chase answers as the clock to her fated eighteenth birthday ticks closer.

Devlin's descendant

Searching for the sorcerer whose death will set Olivia free from the curse, Scott learns that finding an answer sometimes only brings more questions. As Scott grapples with his horrifying discovery, Olivia uncovers information that could rip his family apart, and Sadie is holding on to a secret of her own.

In book three of the White Aura series, the group searches for the mysterious Sorcery Council, Olivia’s parents, and Aiden, who might just be recaptured by an agent of the Crimson Calamitous. Plus, Olivia’s 18th birthday is getting closer, but they are no closer to real answers. What will happen when Scott reveals the shocking identity of the descendant?

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Paranormal

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Paranormal

Language: English


Word Count: 56839

Sample text:

The wind whipped and whirled around my body, but I was frozen. My captor held me tightly, his fingers digging into my arm so deeply I thought he was going to break through and touch my bone. I couldn’t see, though whether it was because he was doing something weird to my body or because he had taken my sight, I didn’t know. It was terrifying, not seeing what was happening. It felt like we’d been traveling for ages when we slowed and gravity pulled my body quickly down.  My head spun as my feet found the ground, then gave out on me. The captor let loose of my arm, allowing me to fly forward and land flat on my face. My sight still hadn’t returned, telling me he’d taken it. He didn’t want me to know where we were.

“Why can’t I see?” I groaned, pushing my torso upright off the hard concrete.

“Because I don’t want you to, idiot,” he snapped. His voice was distant where earlier it had been right on top of me.

Panic seized my chest, gripping and tightening around me as I breathed deeply. “Are you leaving? How am I going to get around?” I questioned, with more quiver in my voice than I wanted.

“You’ll figure it out. I think he has use for you, so I can’t let you die—yet. Your sight will return within the next twenty-four hours. I suggest you try to find the bed and rest. I think you’ll be needing it,” he quipped, amused disdain evident in his voice. 

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