Day of the Destroyer by Ian Thomas Healy

A Just Cause Universe novel

Heroes and villains battle during the New York City Blackout of 1977

Day of the destroyer

-A City In Darkness-
-Four Lost Souls Seeking A Light-

July 13, 1977 - The lives of four super-powered people become irrevocably intertwined when the lights go out in New York City, plunging their world into chaos. The superheroes of Just Cause, grown soft and complacent without any supervillains to challenge them, must overcome their personal demons as well as uphold the law in a lawless land of rioters, arson, and murder.

Lurking in the darkness, like evil incarnate, is the one thing that could bring the world's greatest superheroes to their knees: the force of anarchy and vengeance known as Destroyer.

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Alternative History

Language: English

Keywords: lgbt, new york city, superhero, supervillain, blackout, ian thomas healy, just cause universe

Word Count: 86050

Sales info:

Day of the Destroyer has sold approximately 600 copies since its publication. It is rated 3.6 stars out of 5, with reviews skewed towards 4- and 5-stars.

Sample text:

“I’ll call you back.” She tucked away the radio.

“What is it?” Irlene leaned in close.

“Do you feel that?”


It came around a corner like a Detroit engineer’s fevered nightmare. People on the streets screamed at the twenty-five-foot-tall fire-breathing monstrosity. One woman dropped an armful of looted clothes, turned, and ran face-first into an overturned car to fall unconscious beside it. Other people ran past her to save themselves. A dog ran out, yipping and barking at the giant until a heavy mechanical foot stomped the animal into pulp.

Faith stared at the behemoth in frank disbelief. Her brain tried to resolve what she could see in the reflection of street fires. Four massive articulated legs carried two huge Peterbilt semi-tractor cabs stacked atop each other. Two arms lay flat against one cab while two others spread out to foment destruction. One arm rang like a bell with a huge rotary saw blade. It screamed and threw a cascade of sparks as the machine sliced the roof off a car and the heads off its occupants. The other featured huge hydraulic claws that snipped off street lamps as if they were tulip stems. Every few steps, it released a blast of liquid fire to set a car or building on fire. Headlights ringed the upper cab and displayed the results of the machine’s destructive path.

A burning man leaped from an ignited car and rolled on the ground, screaming in pain. Overturned cars, buildings going up in flames, and people screaming in fear, panic, and pain all competed for Faith’s attention.

“Jesus,” whispered Faith. She realized Irlene stood beside her, staring with equal shock down at the hellish intruder below. “Can you you shrink it down?”

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The book is available for translation into any language.

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