Cry of the Needle by Roger Radford

When medical malpractice leads to violent revenge, Irish-style...

Cry of the needle

Kieran Kelly's world turns upside down when his wife's health is devastated by an epidural in childbirth. Incensed by damning evidence of medical and pharmaceutical misconduct, the tormented former IRA hit man plots revenge against those he deems responsible, including a government that doesn't seem to care. 

Kelly's quest brings him face-to-face with an alcoholic physician, an altruistic scientist and a corrupt government minister – but not before the love of a stunningly beautiful but crippled Countess makes him question his motives. He meets Countess Magda von Esterhazy at a meeting of a self-help group for victims of the uniquely painful iatrogenic (doctor-caused) disease that struck down his wife. Magda awakens feelings that he thought he had lost forever. 

Meanwhile, one of Kelly's targets, scientist Jonathan Tring, finds himself embroiled in the Machiavellian machinations of his boss, the gruff and corrupt owner of a pharmaceutical company, and the man’s stunning young American wife. In all the mayhem, Tring, too, finds love – and desperately wants to live to enjoy it. 

Cry of the Needle is a searing tale of love and vengeance. Revenge that is a dish best served Irish.

Genre: FICTION / Mystery & Detective / General

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Language: English


Word Count: 99,000

Sales info:

Book sales spike following marketing campaigns, including BoobBub. More than 140 mainly 5-star reviews on Amazon US and UK.

Sample text:

It was several seconds before the Irishman opened his eyes. The pressing demands of baby Patrick went unheeded as he stared at the ceiling, willing it to come crashing down and put an end to his misery. Death was no stranger to him, for in the past he had been its harbinger. He had been the nemesis, the instrument that God had used in order to punish those who were godless in their perfidy. Stool pigeons, informers, traitors, they had all deserved to die. But not Teresa Kelly, not this woman of such selfless devotion to her family, such innate goodness, such piety.

He leaned over her inert form and picked up the empty bottle of painkillers from the side table. He stared at the innocuous brown container. How much torment must she have endured to have taken an action so anathema to her religion? He cursed himself for not recognising the signs, and yet, if he were honest, there were none. She had borne her illness with such fortitude, always putting the concerns of her husband and children before her own.

Kelly rose slowly from the bed and crossed wearily to the crib. He gently cradled his new son, whose sobbing pierced his heart like the devil’s trident. Only then did he allow his own tears to flow, for anger was rapidly becoming the dominant emotion.

One thought now consumed Kieran Patrick Kelly: revenge.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Alina Gabriela Tugulea

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
