Cross by D.A. Roach

An epic YA fantasy, full of adventure, magic, and corruption.


Imagine if you had a rare and life-threatening disorder that made your body so fragile that a collision in gym class could end your life. Consider how careful you’d have to live and the anxiety that would arise in different situations. Then one day, you were told to travel to a far away land that had been spelled away by a scornful witch - a land where magic, dragons, and corruption live… a land where magic might alter or perhaps even cure your disorder, even if just temporarily. Would you risk your own life to save others?

Welcome to Ray Cross’s world.

“To get the things you want in life, you need to step out of your comfort zone and take risks.”

Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / Contemporary

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Fantasy / General

Language: English

Keywords: dragon, myth, magic, young adult, fantasy, witch, vEDS, rare disorder, adventure, hero

Word Count: 47811

Sales info:

I'm a USA Today Bestselling author, consistantly earning 4 & 5 star reviews on my books. I write in various genres earning me a wider reader group. I have a Newsletter of over 5000 and a loyal street team that helps promote my books. Some of my books have also made Amazon's bestselling rank.

Sample text:

Jonas rubbed his stubble in thought, “But how did they…”

The shop’s front windows lit with a fiery blaze on the other side of the glass. We hurried to the door. Torin stood on the lawn in front of the shop and flung large rocks at the dragon before him. “Try it again, asshole.”

The dragon answered with another blast, catching Torin’s shoe on fire as he dodged the fiery breath. He yelped and stopped to pat it out. “Come on, switch back to your wimpy human self and fight me fair.”

The dragon let out a loud roar, shaking the ground around us.

“Enough. Ren, stop.” Poe ran out with Fenick following close behind him. Poe positioned himself between Ren and Torin. He turned to Torin. “Get inside the shop and all this will stop. Go, now!”

Torin stood there, looking like he wanted to continue the battle till one of them was bleeding or dead.

“Torin, now!” Jonas’s voice was calm but authoritative, and Torin listened. He jogged over to the shop where Jonas caught him by the arm. “Are you all right? Any injuries?”

“I’m fine.” He pulled his arm free and shoved past Jonas, probably pissed that he was asked to stand down. Jonas followed after him while I stayed back to watch Fenick and Poe calm Ren down to the point he could morph back into human form. Ren finally retreated to the trees several yards away and emerged from the forested area clothed. 




Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Daniela Toledo
Already translated. Translated by Aldo Rodríguez

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
