Change your Brain: Using... by Justin Moore

Neuroplasticity to Retrain Your Brain for Discipline, Courage, Motivation, & Good Habits

Changing your brain is not just about taking on one specific habit. It

Change your brain: using...

Changing your brain is not just about taking on one specific habit. It is making the resolution to change your lifestyle to create the life you want to have. If you want a robust social life and a successful career, you will never get that by holding back out of fear that you might say the wrong thing.

People who thrive in their careers own their lives. They have instilled confidence in themselves so that their minds encourage them. They make sure their hands are the ones on the steering wheel in the vehicle that is their lives. They do not do this by trying to reach for control over every part of their lives, but by letting go of what they do not have any impact over. This frees up their time and energy so they can focus on what they can control, which is their own behavior.

Life is full of setbacks. That isn’t something we can change. What we can do is react to them in a way that works toward finding a solution for them- or not. To achieve the former, you must work for what you say you want. Think about a time you’ve done something with low confidence in your ability to do it, and your heart wasn’t in it- for example, going into a presentation when you aren’t feeling well. Now think about when you felt the opposite- feeling your best, liking the way you look, and sure that you know what you were supposed to do. In which instance was your performance better?

This is why changing your brain is changing what you can accomplish. If you have made up your mind that you cannot do something, it will be over before it began. Maybe you decide you don’t know anything about a profession so you could never make an entrance into the field, or that you’ve never been the social sort, so there’s no sense in picking it up at this point.

No matter where you are in your life, it is never too late to change it. Maybe not the past, but the choices you make now will decide whether your life keeps going the same way or evolves into something more. When a thought enters your mind, it should not get to stay there unless it serves you. If it tries to discourage you from what you have set out to do or causes you any feeling that induces self-loathing, it has got to go. If you keep reading, I will walk you through shutting down negative self-talking so you can become the person you have always wanted to be.

As you go through this book, you will learn all sorts of tricks to help you on your journey to changing the way you think, including:

And much more!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Mental Health

Language: English

Keywords: habit forming, good habits, bad habits, anxiety, living with anxiety, positive thoughts, negative thoughts, self-discipline, emotional , emotions, emotional intelligence, empath, empathy, progress, self-help

Word Count: 30070

Sample text:

Don’t overwhelm yourself with this task. Whatever moment you are in, think about making the best choice in it. When you get up and make yourself breakfast instead of sleeping in, you are choosing to promote your health. When you are at an event, and you say hello to someone as opposed to hanging back in the corner, you are already becoming a more social person than you were before.

Anyone can say, “I wish I had more friends/money/etc,” but no one gets anything they do not reach for. This includes negative things. The people you spend time with and the things you invest in are going to be the strongest forces in your life. If you want good things, you have to become a person who attracts them- this means you need to invest in and give to yourself. Think about how a painting that was finished in five minutes looks compared to if the artist took five hours to complete it, paying attention to the details- where it is lacking in color, where it needs a change in hue, etc.

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Already translated. Translated by Mayra Lopez

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