Chakras: Your Ultimate Beginners Guide and How to Awaken with Chakra Meditation by Mike Braden

(14) Your Ultimate Beginners Guide and How to Awaken with Chakra Meditation

Chakras:  your ultimate beginners guide and how to awaken with chakra meditation


In a meaningful and pragmatic way, the book maps the connection between the body and the rich symbolism that pervades the yogic imagination, including the chakras, nadis, and koshas. Further, Little offers readers clear, insightful yoga, pranayama, and meditation exercises that apply these body-mind principles.

What, exactly, does it feel like when a chakra is deficient, excessive, or blocked? Can our early life experiences affect the energetic patterns that shape our physical and emotional well-being as adults? If so, how do we clear these blockages? Anodea Judith addresses these and many other issues using the same proven meditations, visualizations, and moving postures taught in her acclaimed chakra seminars.

Within this book you fill find all the information you need to heal and balance the energy centers that can give you more of all the things you enjoy and love. Through sacred mantras you will be able to locate which areas of your life could use more juice and passion, and you will have the tools to do it with ease!

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 6681

Sales info:

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Sample text:

People might confuse meditation with deep silence and quietness of the mind. Basically, meditation is not a deep sleep or total shut down, but rather an active mind with considerable efforts taken to achieve the particular status of concentration.

Meditation is all about focusing on the present. It starts with a focus on an individual object then develops into the cessation of all other thought, and it ends with the quietness of mind and peace.

In chakra meditation the concentration or focus center can be one of four or the whole four:

Imagery or Visualization

This technique is to visualize an individual object that such as a flower or a particular color. Every chakra has a particular thing to imagine that we will later discuss. Make sure to Keep your eyes closed and imagine that image until you feel relaxed, and go back to that image whenever you need to restore your focus.

Breath Counting

Use the breath as the point of concentration. Observe every nuance of the breath and each sensation it produces: how it moves in your abdomen and torso, how it feels as it moves, its quality, its temperature, and so on.

Focusing on thoughts and feelings

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