Chakras: The Ultimate Chakra Guide for Beginners to How to Awaken and Balance by Lela Derici

(50) The Ultimate Chakra Guide for Beginners to How to Awaken and Balance

Chakras: the ultimate chakra guide for beginners to how to awaken and balance


They encompass and influence every significant portion of your personality which defines who you are as a person. Since that concept is rather large to imagine succinctly, like someone asking you to visualize the entire universe and its infinite details within a single mental snapshot. And that’s the purpose of this book: Not only to help you better understand your Chakras and how they work, but also to teach you how to keep them healthy and in balance

Learn to heal yourself by elevating your mind through meditation. Learn to focus your spiritual energy and open your chakras. Finding balance within your body and mind to bring positive meaning to your life is the essence of this ebook. 

These often-misunderstood centers an have a profound effect upon your life, and often the impact of them can only be felt after some sort of crisis.

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 12651

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Sample text:

Traditionally, chakras have always been represented as seven balls of differently colored light which are located along the vertical axis of the human body. However, the Sanskrit word translates to “wheel”. In essence, they can also be visualized as halo-like wheels of energy gently spinning in place. This is rather difficult to understand, except maybe through blind acceptance of mystic knowledge, as is often the response when people interested in chakras first learn of it. However, what if the seven spinning balls of light were simply metaphorical, and analogous to electrical activity within human beings? What if the popular representation was simply used by ancients as a way to explain this convoluted concept more easily to others who weren't as knowledgeable in the philosophy of sciences as they were?


These “what ifs” aren't idle musings, nor are they rationalizations from minds attempting to establish the value of chakras in today's cynical world—these theories are rapidly gaining scientific backing as well. Except that, this time, they are being called body maps. While this may be a growing body of science, it represents an immense leap forward in interpreting the esoteric knowledge of ancient mystics through the lens of modern day scientific evidence.


Essentially, the chakras are metaphors for perfectly analogous activity centers in the brain, and their purpose, function, and areas of control are almost entirely in keeping with the positioning and functions of the paralleled sections of the brain.

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