Chakras: The Ultimate Beginners Guide and Transform Your Life by Ambika Rudametkin

(18) The Ultimate Beginners Guide and Transform Your Life

Chakras: the ultimate beginners guide and transform your life


Many people believe that the problem with their health and happiness lies within medicine or their doctor's advice. Have you ever thought that the answer lied in nature itself? By reading and following the advice in this book, you will be on your way to finding peace and balance in your life. You can even feel better physically and mentally. 

Western medicine has made great advances toward treating medical conditions, but all too often these treatments don't do enough on their own to fully address problems or they cause side effects that are downright dangerous. Increasingly, people are turning toward more traditional ways to improve their health and their emotional well-being. Chakra healing and aura cleansing have been used in the East for centuries. 

So what can you expect? Well, nothing works unless you do. If you consistently engage in the practices outlined in this book, you will see results in your daily life. You will be able to diagnose the sources of issues that bother you, and take action to fix them for good. I would like to stress that there are no quick fixes, but after a few weeks of practice you will notice the first signs of results. If you stick with it for your lifetime, then you will become who you were destined to be. 

Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 4773

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Sample text:

You may have thought we had nowhere to go once we hit the third eye. That’s not quite right, as it turns out. The final stop is at the culmination of all that has preceded it. At the very top of the head is the crown chakra, and it serves a marvelous purpose.

It is the hub of all the chakras below it, and serves as a sort of integrator. It brings it all together. But it doesn’t just bring together the energies of the individual, it connects them to the universal consciousness. The world’s great religious thinkers and prophets have had especially powerful crown chakras. This enabled them to see divine truth and achieve a connection with the higher power.

For those of us who don’t want to become the next great spiritual leader, there is still utility in cleansing the crown chakra. Integrating all the energy from the underlying chakras is truly powerful, and can have surprising results in your life. The greatest leaders, both in deeds and in thought, have well-developed and clear crown chakras.

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