Chakras: The Complete Energy Practice to Healing yourself and Chakra meditation by Brenda Brennan

(20) The Complete Energy Practice to Healing yourself and Chakra meditation

Chakras: the complete energy practice to  healing yourself and chakra meditation


There are five interesting chapters included in this book. It will be your best and the most practical way to be well-versed with the Chakras. The discussion will involve definition, citing of important situations and examples, and the different classifications of chakras that you should know of. Towards the end, you will be introduced with the concept of mantras.

This book contains information that should enable you to better understand what the chakras are as well as the important functions they have when it comes to our physical and spiritual well-being. In the following chapters, you’ll also be provided the information you’ll need to be able to tell if there are any imbalances in the primary chakras.

The Chakras are points in our bodies where concentrated energy flows. These points usually coincide with major glands and organs in our bodies. There are many chakras

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 43153

Sales info:

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Sample text:

We have covered what the various chakra are and what they do. We have gained some insight into how critical they are for the functioning of our day to day lives. In the previous chapter we talked a little bit about the various techniques that can be used to bring them into balance. We are going to give you a step by step process for chakra meditation so you can start to bring your chakra into balance.

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position. If you can comfortably cross your legs, that is a fine position to begin with. You want to avoid lying down as this can easily result in falling asleep. While a nap may be helpful, it’s not going to help you with your chakra meditation. Keep your spine straight, but not rigid. Comfort is key here. When you are comfortable and upright you want to begin by focusing on each part of your body. Start from your feet and work your way up. Be aware of the sensation in each body part. You want to be aware of any stress, tension, or discomfort. Allow these sensations to melt away as you work your awareness up your body.

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